Energy 🚴🏼‍♀️

Energy is made in the body in the kreb cycle - this is our central metabolic pathway and which is fuelled by the food we eat and is processed into energy called ATP - adenosine triphosphate in our mitochondria, which is the powerhouse of each of our cells. If science is not your cup of herbal tea that’s ok, please don’t worry! The reason we want to bring this to your attention is because our diet and lifestyle does play a significant role in the quality of energy (ATP) we produce.  

Our nightly mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cells, the energy factory of our body, our internal battery that gives us energy. Our mitochondria burn carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids which provide us energy otherwise know as ATP as discussed before.

Some of the best ways we can support our mitochondrial health:

-EXERCISE! It is such an potent and effective way to make new mitochondria in muscle cells

-Eat antioxidant rich foods, these are found in coloured plant foods eg blueberries, cacao, green tea etc. It is so important to amp up these foods in our diet as are all anti-ageing. The way these powerful nutrients work is by donating an O2 molecule to the free radical so they buddy up and tissue damage is avoided. This is why calories are not all the same! One blueberry sends very different information to the cell then one calorie of softdrink and they all have very different metabolic outcomes. 

-Cold water immersion - you will feel invincible. Come and try our ice bath!

-Minimise blue lights (phones, computers, iPads, televisions) especially at night before going to bed.

If you would like a personalised health plan to support yourself towards feeling truly well, reach out for a 1:1 nutritional medicine appointment with our incredible Clinical Nutritionist, Sarah Curtis who will support you every step of the way.


Our Precious Nervous System