BODY FAT And Our Nervous System 🏋🏾
In any given moment the body is making a decision based on the information we give it as to what fuel to use. The only two fuels it uses are fat or glucose. We do not use protein for fuel, our body breaks down protein into amino acids which are then converted into glucose so the body can use this as fuel by a biological process called gluconeogenesis.
Our body will always favour glucose over fat when we are in a stressed state or in a ‘sympathetic nervous system’ dominance SNS dominate state. It will only activate our fat storage when we are in a calm or ‘parasympathetic’ PNS state as the body believes it is SAFE so.
It is SO important to relax and calm our bodies and minds, particularly around times we eat. We have so much urgency in life whether its a call we don’t want to make, anxiety over missing that flight, work deadlines, lack of connection with family. The list seems to be endless, now even more than ever.
If loosing weight is a goal of yours, it can become an uphill battle if we are in this perpetual state of SNS dominance.
Below we have listed some ways to support a calm state of being.
Deep diagrammatic breathing! Longer exhale then inhale
Engage in a restorative practice such as yoga
Reduce caffeine or switch to green tea as the thiamine buffers the effects of caffeine.
Go for a walk, connect with a friend and laugh
Inhale some beautiful essential oils such as lavender
Breathe! And breathe some more!
If you would like some personalised 1:1 nutritional support, reach out and book in an appointment with Clinical Nutritionist Sarah Curtis. (+61) 412 290 155